UFCW / Samuel Hale

Workers' Compensation ADR Program
California Statewide

Joint Labor Management Committee

The UFCW 8-Golden State / Samuel Hale JLMC Workers' Compensation ADR Program is based on a collectively bargained agreement between the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 8 Golden State and Samuel Hale, LLC.

Among other things, the UFCW / Samuel Hale JLMC approves the lists of doctors and other vendors which can provide services to injured UFCW members. The UFCW / Samuel Hale JLMC selects the ombudsman, mediators, and arbitrators to assist in answering injured workers' questions and resolve disputes.

ADR Program Ombudsman

Hopefully your workers’ compensation claim will go smoothly and you will be satisfied with the services you receive. However, if at any time you have an unresolved issue with the person at the insurance company handling your workers' comp claim for benefits (i.e., claims adjuster), or if you do not feel comfortable with what is being done, or if you have a question about your ADR Program, simply contact the Ombudsman. The word "Ombudsman" is Scandinavian in origin and means one who investigates complaints, reports findings, and helps to achieve fair settlements (AOE, 2020, para. 13).

Medical Care

Your alternative dispute resolution (ADR) program is designed to deliver high quality medical care and other workers' compensation benefits much faster, providing access to an impartial expert for information on issues that pertain to resolving your workers' compensation claim. It is our aim that claims are resolved and problems are solved without resort to lengthy and costly litigation.

The UFCW / Samuel Hale JLMC is very concerned you obtain benefits which you are entitled and that you receive the quality medical care which will assist in returning you to your employment at the earliest possible time.

Prior to sustaining an injury, you may pre-designate your own doctor to treat you in case of a work injury. If you become unhappy with the medical treatment you are receiving, contact your insurance claim adjuster directly or the Ombudsman because you may be able to change from one treating doctor to another under certain circumstances (AOE, 2019, p. 7).

Need Help?

You may contact the ADR Ombudsman if you have any questions regarding your Workers' Compensation ADR Program, your medical services, or anything else related to your work injury claim.

Attorney Participation

The Workers' Compensation Agreement (WCA) for the ADR Program establishes exclusive jurisdiction per California Labor Code § 3201.7.

Attorneys who are licensed and authorized to practice law in California are permitted to participate in the ombudsman, mediation, and arbitration stages of the WCA ADR Process of the ADR Program subject to the WCA and the ADR Rules adopted by the UFCW / Samuel Hale JLMC.

NOTE: An attorney for any party is not recognized as an "attorney-of-record" in the ADR Program until the attorney completes and files with the WCA ADR Court the WCA ADR Court's form of Notice Of Legal Representation And Attorney Fee Agreement (also known as the ADR NOR), which may be obtained online or from the Office of the Ombudsman directly (AOE, 2016, p. 3; AOE, 2019, p. 6).



American Ombudsman Enterprises. (2016). Collectively bargained labor-management workers' compensation agreement pursuant to the provisions of california labor code section 3201.7 including provisions for an alternative dispute resolution ("ADR") process. Anaheim, CA: Author.

American Ombudsman Enterprises. (2019). Rules of the UFCW / samuel hale JLMC workers' compensation alternative dispute resolution (ADR) program. Anaheim, CA: Author.

American Ombudsman Enterprises. (2020). Your collectively bargained workers' compensation alternative dispute resolution (ADR) program: UFCW / Samuel Hale JLMC Workers' Compensation ADR Program [Brochure]. Anaheim, CA: Author.
